
Nonprofit organizations experience significant challenges on a day-to-day basis, including changes in government funding and regulations, fierce competition for referrals and donations, changes in market and interest rates, and minimizing employee turnover.

Our dedicated team of nonprofit advisors has been trained thoroughly in the intricacies of nonprofit accounting and auditing, including compliance requirements of Uniform Guidance and NJ OMB Circular 15-08 Compliance. This allows us to spend our audit time learning your business and focusing on the task at hand while providing value added recommendations in other areas of your organization.

Our advisors offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Audits, reviews, and compilations
  • Audits in accordance with Uniform Guidance and Government Auditing Standards
  • Agreed upon procedures
  • Internal audits
  • Tax return compliance
  • Tax planning
  • Strategic planning and goal setting
  • Mergers and acquisitions, including due diligence
  • Board development and education
  • HR services, including executive compensation analysis
  • Funding structure analysis
  • Budgeting and financial forecasts
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Succession planning
  • Benchmarking
  • Wealth and asset management
  • Technology assessments

Lean on Sax’s Nonprofit advisors for tailored solutions to help you anticipate and resolve the complex issues within the nonprofit industry.

Contact Sax’s Nonprofit Practice

    Service Leader

    David Ashenfarb, CPA



    New York, NY
    [email protected]

    SAX’s $20,000 FOUNDERS’ AWARD for Local Non-Profits

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