Press Room

Real Estate NJ: Business interest vs. depreciation: A tradeoff for new construction

Real Estate NJ: Business interest vs. depreciation: A tradeoff for new construction 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Hear from Sax Real Estate Tax Partner, George Livanos, who was published in Real Estate NJ on “The Truth About Tax Reform”, where he provided insight on business interest and…

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NJBA: 2018 FORECAST OF THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Stuart Berger, Partner in our Real Estate Practice, was featured in New Jersey Builders Association’s Winter Newsletter with his insights and 2018 forecast of the Real Estate industry. Click here…

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MAREJ: The CRE industry is resilient and will undoubtedly adapt successfully to whatever changes lie ahead

MAREJ: The CRE industry is resilient and will undoubtedly adapt successfully to whatever changes lie ahead 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Hear from Sax Real Estate Partner Stuart Berger, who was featured in Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal with his 2018 predictions for the CRE industry due to the new laws…

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NJCPA: Tax Season – A Different Kind of Boot Camp

NJCPA: Tax Season – A Different Kind of Boot Camp 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Partner and Tax Leader Shivani Jain was featured in NJCPA Magazine’s latest issue and discussed how our firm plans for the demanding tax season and how we work to ease…

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NJBIZ: New Jerseyans need to prepay real estate, local taxes before year’s end, say accountants

NJBIZ: New Jerseyans need to prepay real estate, local taxes before year’s end, say accountants 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Stuart Berger, Partner in our Real Estate Practice, discussed the tax laws and how it affects the New Jersey real estate market with NJBIZ: Read the full article here.

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Real Estate NJ: State, federal reforms bring uncertainty for CRE industry in 2018

Real Estate NJ: State, federal reforms bring uncertainty for CRE industry in 2018 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

Real Estate NJ covered our Real Estate Industry Update on November 14, 2017 which included a panel of some of New Jersey’s top developers and owners. Click here to read…

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NJCPA: Matrimonial Cases: Rising Above the Numbers

NJCPA: Matrimonial Cases: Rising Above the Numbers 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

NJCPA Magazine featured an article written by Megan Sartor, Senior Manager in Sax’s Valuation, Forensic and Litigation Department, which provided insight on the financial aspects of a divorce. Read the…

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NJTV: NJ Braces for Possible Repeal of SALT Deduction

NJTV: NJ Braces for Possible Repeal of SALT Deduction 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

NJTV featured a piece on the possible repeal of SALT deduction in New Jersey and George Livanos, Tax Partner at Sax, shared his expertise. Watch the video clip and read…

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Crain’s: Sax LLP Makes Top 30 Accounting Firms in the New York Area

Crain’s: Sax LLP Makes Top 30 Accounting Firms in the New York Area 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

We are proud to announce that Sax LLP has been named to the list of New York area’s largest accounting firms by Crain’s New York Business which publishes this list…

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Accounting Today: Sax announces first annual ‘Founder’s Award’

Accounting Today: Sax announces first annual ‘Founder’s Award’ 150 150 SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting

In honor of our firm’s founder’s and their vision of strength and stability, we’re excited to present our first annual Founder’s Award, which will provide one not-for-profit organization with a…

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SAX LLP - Advisory, Audit and Accounting